WooCommerce Subscriptions 7.1.0 | 13 Jan 25

Izinkan konsumen berlangganan pada produk atau jasa anda dan kenakan pembayaran berulang per minggu, per bulan, atau per tahun.

Tipe: Plugin

Termasuk di pembelian: Petunjuk instalasi

Developer: WooCommerce https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/


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Change Log:

WooCommerce Subscriptions 7.1.0 | Last update: 13 Jan 25
  • Add: Compatibility with WooCommerce’s new preview email feature introduced in 9.6.
  • Fix: Prevents PHP fatal error when wcs_can_user_renew_early() is called with a non-existent subscription ID.
  • Fix: Prevent payment gateways that complete Change Payment requests asynchronously from blocking future attempts to update payment methods for all subscriptions.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue that could lead to undefined variable when attempting to send a customer notification email with no order.
  • Fix: Prevents the customer’s postal code being used as their billing city in the current session, following a change to payment details.
  • Dev: Use the subscription’s customer ID during the `wcs_can_user_renew_early()` function call when sending customer notification emails.
  • Dev: Fix PHP deprecated warnings caused by calling esc_url with null.
  • Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.9