Updraft Plus Premium | 13 Jan 25
Lakukan back up manual atau jadwalkan backup otomatis atas semua file Wordpress, database, plugin, dan theme. Mendukung back up ke penyimpanan remote seperti Google drive, amazon S3, Dropbox, dll. Tersedia juga fitur cloning website dan migrasi.
Tipe: Plugin
Termasuk di pembelian: Petunjuk instalasi
Developer: Updraft WP Software Ltd. https://updraftplus.com/
Link download dikirim otomatis melalui email setelah pembelian berhasil. Login ke akun tokoGPL anda untuk mengunduh file dan menerima update gratis.
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Change Log:
Updraft Plus | Last update: 13 Jan 25
- SECURITY: Fix a non-persistent reflected XSS vulnerability due to a missing nonce combined with missing sanitisation. This could allow an attacker, who persuaded you to click a personally-crafted link to your site’s dashboard whilst you were logged in, to once run JavaScript code in your dashboard. Thanks to Asaf Mozes for finding and responsibly disclosing this issue.
- FIX: Prevent the restoration from failing when there is a ‘sync-xhr=()’ permission policy on the response header.
- FIX: Improve the approach of acquiring a suggested region for Amazon AWS S3 if a failure arises during the getBucketLocation() call, particularly when the XML response fails to provide a field for the suggested region – this resolves issues with regions (e.g. us-east-2) which recently changed their response behaviour
- TWEAK: Broaden the support to incorporate the “ap-southeast-4” region of Amazon AWS S3 and additional recently updated regions
- TWEAK: A regression in the paid version update checker to version 4.13.2, resulting in non-appearance of notices concerning subscription status or WP version compatibility.