Jet Appointments 2.1.4 | 27 Des 24
Buat website reservasi, kenakan biaya per jam/per menit. Mendukung Elementor dan Gutenberg. Memerlukan Jet Engine untuk dapat bekerja, tanpa Jet Engine tidak bisa berfungsi
Tipe: Plugin
Termasuk di pembelian: Petunjuk instalasi
Developer: Crocoblock
Link download dikirim otomatis melalui email setelah pembelian berhasil. Login ke akun tokoGPL anda untuk mengunduh file dan menerima update gratis.
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Change Log:
Jet Appointments 2.1.4 | Last update: 27 Des 24
- UPD: Allow to change dates format in the apoointments list in the admin dashboard;
- FIX: Allow multi bookings from the admin dashboard;
- FIX: Update user local date and time after update appointment from the admin dashboard;
- FIX: Synch translation files;
- FIX: Next year appointments in the timepicke mode on mobile devices;
- FIX: Elementor Global styles on the cancellation page with custom template.